Altered Mind, Altered World

Altered Mind, Altered World

Posted by on Aug 25, 2014 in Seeds of Wisdom | 0 comments

“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered” ~Nelson Mandela

“Each mans faith confirms his true nature. What he puts his faith in is what he himself is.” 17.3 The Bhagavad Gita

“For a man thinketh in his heart so it be.” Proverb 23:7 The Bible

Our minds are filled with false beliefs and thoughts; chaotic, corrupt and confused, in a perfect Universe, on a beautiful Earth. When we align our mind with The Mind, orderly, truthful and harmonious; we will see our Universe and world as it truly is–Holy, Loving and Perfect. If we see the world as chaotic, our mind is in chaos. If we see our world as corrupt, our mind is filled with corruption. If we see the world as confused, our mind is confused. What we see is a reflection of our “mind.” “It” all flows from our mind. When our mind is filled with Truth; pure and clear, we will see purity and clarity, and experience The One Mind, Heaven on Earth.~Regina 11/26/12

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True Love & True Intimacy, The 4 Natural Laws

True Love & True Intimacy, The 4 Natural Laws

Posted by on Jun 26, 2014 in Seeds of Wisdom | 1 comment

  1. Be Present. The first natural law of sharing True Love and Intimacy is to be Present, to live in the Present moment, not in the memories of the past or in the fantasies of the future. How many of us live in the present moment fully, wholly, even mostly?? True Love, True Intimacy and True ‘Orgasmic’ Consciousness happen only in the Present moment. Truly, there are few that live consumed in the present moment. Some of us live a great deal of our ‘borrowed time’ in the Present moment, but most live in the spaces in between. In the present is the Presence, The One Love. Being present creates the blank canvas for True Love and True Intimacy to be experienced.
  2. Receive The Love and Extend The Love is the second law. Love surrounds you. Receive the Love that beckons to be received by you. Become full, that you may give “IT” away. You cannot give what you do not have. Therefore you must first receive the Love from The Source, and fill yourself with the Love. Love yourself wholly, only then are you capable of loving another. now that your cup runneth over, you must give what you have received in order to keeep it! In giving you receive. Love does not take nor keep, it receives and gives. Giving means having. A perfect circle: receive Love from The Source, fill yourself fully, then give ‘It” away. Extending The Love creates the color, the passion, on the canvas for True Love & Intimacy.
  3. Listen to your Inner Voice, The Holy Guide within you. This is the third law. Allow your Inner Voice to create your thoughts and direct your actions. Your Holy Guide will lead you away from darkness and into the Light.Your Guide may lead you into the forest to extend the Love to nature: the trees, the water, the air, the frog. Your Guide may lead you to your Brother’s house to extend healing, or to your elderly neightbor’s home to run an errand, or to your ‘altar’ to commune with God, or to your lover’s home to ‘create passionate love’…. Alll these ‘directions’ are extensions of the same love, only the forms are different. All is Love, and all Love is God’s Love. Listening to your Holy Guide creates the paint strokes on your canvas.
  4. Stay true to your ‘Story,’ your purpose, function, gifts and talents to the world. Your Story is not what you make, but what you were created to Be. It’s your Is-ness. We all have a story, a purpose and a function, and we must not give our Divine Story away. Yet, many of us do give our ‘story’ away to be in relationship, to be accepted, to fit in, to be normal. We play in other peoples stories, supporting and living in other’s stories and not in our own. This is not sustainable. You were created with a perfect function and purpose, each of us were. It’s what makes the Grand Machine work, The One Mind, The Universe, work in harmony. If you were created as a Desert Rose but you were trying to live as a Water Lily, your needs would not be met, nor would the Universe’s Good be fulfilled. Your Story will be disclosed to you if you seek to know it. When you know/’realize‘ your Story, It’s like being in Love, you just know it through and through. Knowing your Story creates the Truth on your canvas. Together these four Natural Laws create a True Love Story on your Canvas.

Who lives in the Present Moment? Who receives The Love? Who loves themselves? Who gives The Love? Who listens to their Holy Guide? Who stays true to their story? No wonder very, very, very few exerinece true love and true intimacy, in relationship to anyone or anything! We are not being our true Nature: living Present, Loving, Listening and True to our Selves. These elements create the environment for the ‘Climax” on our canvases….Nirvana, Bliss, Ecstasy…. Instead we make & experience pain, suffering and separation in relationship to ourselves, others and God. 

Living in Divine Right Order is living at-one with the Natural Laws, which is our True Nature. We would be at Peace because we would be living as God created us!

Imagine for a moment you met another who lives in the present moment, receives the Love and extends the Love, Loves themselves, listens to their Inner Voice, knows their ‘Story” and does not give it away. Imagine that you both are rooted and grounded in The True Source, and that your Stories align in a way that helps & inspires you each into your Highest Good, Potential and Self, illuninating the World, and ordained by God//dess. Imagine!!! Herein lies the Ultimate Conscious Orgasim.

This is beyond imagining, it is who you where created to be and experience.This union is the Truth, and the holiest relationship on Earth! Believe, open and prepare yourself for this Holy Encounter, Potential & Union! ~~Regina 6/24/14


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Anger Is a Choice

Anger Is a Choice

Posted by on May 4, 2014 in Seeds of Wisdom | 0 comments

“Attack will always yield to love if it is brought to love, not hidden from it.” acim

“By examining bodily sensations with such dispassionate detachment, we become aware that it is not necessary to move into emotions of like or dislike.” Rev Stephanie Rutt



We often will join another in their anger, especially when it is directed toward us. Why do we join them? It’s not dissimilar to when an infant, in a room of infants, begins to cry, the others will begin to cry, or we walk into a room of laughter and we begin to laugh or at least feel joy. Subsequently, when people are angry, we have a tendency to fall from Grace and join them. We fall from being love and loving, and become angry and fearful; we retaliate and defend ourselves. We may not fully understand why we react in this way, but knowing that we have choice is powerful.

We are always choosing; consciously or unconsciously, we react to all stimuli by choice. Whether a person is being loving or fearful, joyful or angry, it is not cause for us to fall from Grace, or for us to become unkind or unloving and join them in their anger. It’s a choice. While it is easy to be joyful and loving in an atmosphere of joy and love, and less easy to be loving and joyful in an atmosphere of fear and anger, we can choose to be the love and react lovingly in all situations & circumstances. It’s a conditioning and an alteration of mind. We can choose to see the Christ & Truth in everyone and in all circumstances. The Christ within us has never left. The Christ within our Brother or Sister has never left.

What would happen if we could remain loving in a ‘hate-filled’ or fearful atmosphere? It is always easier to love a person when they are loving, but can we love them, really love them, when they are not ‘loving? Can we love them though their cry for love? It’s either love or a cry for love says Marianne Williamson.

God is but love, and so are we, and so is our brother. When he has fallen from Grace, hold him up in love. Don’t give power to his anger, his fears or illusions. *Defenselessness is our safety, and love is our strength.” acim

We are all ministers of God, and can choose to be ‘compassionately detached’ when we are in a ‘hate-filled’ atmosphere. “The state of ‘sinlessness,’ states the Course, is merely this: the desire to attach (or attack) is gone, and so there is not a reason to receive the Son of God as other than he is. Perfect. “Love wins; love always wins,” Mitch Albom from Tuesdays with Morrie.

INNER VOICE, Regina Bolden, 9/13/12

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