The Root of All Suffering
Genesis 1:27 “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” The Holy Bible The Root of All Suffering, The Root of All Fear, The Root of All Error, IS SEPARATION; Separation from The SOURCE of All Love and Life, The separation from GOD: God Be-ing LOVE, And separation from the HOSTS of God: Our TRUE SELF; our BROTHERS & SISTERS, and ALL CREATION. In the beginning there was God. And all was Good. All is GoOd. God created huMan in His (Her) image. And Man was given...
read moreRise Up In Love
“The Salvation of Man is Through Love and In Love.” Victor Frankl Hate does not overcome hate. Love overcomes hate. Rise up in Love, the Savior within you, forgiving your brother and sisters any ignorance, extending your Light that the darkness may be lifted, extending your Love that hate may be transformed, acknowledging the Light within each that he or she may remember who they are. Holy are you to extend your Light and Love that they may be saved. And in this extension are you saved. “Make way for love, which you did not create,...
read moreLOVE, with All You Got, with All You Are, with Every Fiber of Your Being
“No one reaches love with fear beside him.” ACIM T.19.IV.D.i: 11:7 The Lifting of The Veil There is a belief that “as deep as you can love is as deep as you can pain.” I have loved so deeply and pained so greatly I could not breathe. Most of us fear to Love with All We Got, because the pain is so frightening! Inner Voice says; Love with All You Are, and be big enough, courageous enough, to go through the fear of IT, through the separation, death or loss of any kind; because until you Love with Every Fiber Of Our Being, and walk through...
read moreBe Now
Stop Planning so Fervently for the Future to Be & Do!! Be Now, and Do Presently what is Present-ing to You NOW with your full Presence! Or, You’ll miss Your Full Potential & Glorious Life. “Become aware that there are no accidents in our intelligent universe. Realize that everything that shows up in your life has something to teach you. Appreiciate everyone and everything in your life.” Wayne Dyer “There are no accidens whatsoever in the Unniverse.” Ram Dass “No one is sent by accident to...
read moreLove is Not Prejudice. Differences Disappear and Love Looks on Itself.
Love is not prejudice; It does not discriminate. Love loves the Sinner & Saint, Rich & Poor, Lover & Stranger, Buddhist & Christian, Believer & Unbeliever, Male & Female, Murderer & Healer, Sane & Insane, Violator & Victim, Friend & Foe alike. Love loves equally, without preeminence. With Love there is no “Special Relationship,” we are all children of God, Brothers and Sisters of the same Light. In attaining The Christhood and Enlightenment is the realization that there are no differences in Love; this...
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