Posted by Regina on Dec 19, 2014 in Seeds of Wisdom |
“Love masters all things. I’m mastered totally by love.” Rumi
By allowing Love to have Its way with us, we are able to create our most beautiful Life and know our deepest Love. By allowing Love to have Its way with us, we are able to love our ‘enemies‘ and our ‘crucifiers,’ as our self. By allowing Love to have Its way with us, we are able to transform our fear, in any form: hate, anger, prejudice…; into Love in every form: loving-kindness, understanding, good-will….
The irony of Love is Its ability to ‘temper’ us, to counter-balance and give us strength, because of our preceived ‘suffering & sorrow.’ Had we not experienced bitter sorrow, we may not have known how deeply we could love.
There are ‘jewels’ in our suffering & sorrow if we are willing to seek them. Love is the way through the perceptions of our enemies, crucifiers, hate and fear; otherwise we become trapped in their illusions. Tempering holds the gift of True Love, unconditonal and boundless. Most of us are not willing to seek the ‘jewels’ in our suffering. We’re only able to Love when it’s easy. Often when we are under stress, fear will raise its ugly head, and we allow it to take Love’s place. Our perception then of Love is limited to personal joy and pleasure. These are only facile aspects of Love. By allowing Love to have Its way with us, we will love our deepest love. This is our true inheritance. By choosing Love to have Its way with us, we create as we were created to create, all things beautiful, good and holy. We have two choices, Love or fear. Let us choose Love and create our most beautiful Life and know our deepest Love.
“The Buddha called suffering a holy truth, because our suffering has the capacity of showing us the path to liberation. Embrace your suffering and let it reveal to your the way to peace.” `Thich Nhat Hanh
Intrinsically, all Love is God’s Love, inherently Love is God’s Will; in essence, Love is God.
God’s Love Bless You,
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Regina, Inner Voice
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