Perception Verses Knowledge: Learning In Relationship

Perception Verses Knowledge: Learning In Relationship

Posted by on Mar 1, 2015 in Seeds of Wisdom | 2 comments


We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.” ~The Talmud


Most of what we have learned, we must unlearn, because it is not ‘true’ learning. We have learned from our ego, and not from our True Self, our Sacred Spirit. Our learning has only served to protect us, help us survive, to get along or to be accepted. And we bring that ‘learning’ into our present relationships. These illusory lessons will continue presenting in our future relationships unless we empty our minds of the false learning. We will keep spiraling in the illusions, until we ‘get it.’ (inspired by ACIM)



You have abandonment issues because your Mother left ‘you’ at an early age. You are defensive because your father was too critical. You keep distance in your present relationship because the former one needed lots of space. You have become untrusting because your partner is unfaithful or dishonest or abusive at some level. ….


You’ve become Untrusting because…

You’ve become Fearful because…

You’ve become Judgmental because…

You’ve become Defensive because…


You do not take responsibility for your false learning; instead you transfer these ‘negative’ perceptions & patterns onto your partner, children, and others; who are the perfect teachers of the perfect lessons. You haven’t learned anything. You continue to bring the past ‘conditioning’ into your present relationships. Most disheartening, you are lost in these illusions. You are not your true Self: you are untrusting, fearful, judgmental, and defensive.


You are an aspect of the Divine: Holy, Pure, Loving and Wise. You have chosen to sleep. When you choose to awaken to your True Self, you will ‘realize’ these aspects of yourself as true. No matter what the ‘mirror’ is reflecting, you will be trusting, fearless, non-judgmental and open-minded. By being Your True Self, you encourage others to do the same.


Every relationship is sacred. And every relationship is to be made holy. They are opportunities to know your Self. They are opportunities to loosen the illusions and to unfold your Self, to return to your True Self. It is never about the ‘other’ person. It is about you! It’s not about what “they are or are not.” It is about who “you are or are not.” Transference is easy; looking at your self is hard.


Love is always expressing Itself, in All Things, in all ways. Whenever you loose your Self, in any relationship, at any time, your have forgotten who You are. Who starts first? You do. When do you begin? Now. How do you remain Holy in a seemingly unholy world? By ‘choosing’ to be Holy, by choosing to be your True Self. It is a choice.




Regina Bolden 11/07/11

Rewritten 2/28/15


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Rainbow After The Storm

Rainbow After The Storm

Posted by on Jan 20, 2015 in Seeds of Wisdom | 0 comments

A rainbow is an amalgamation of light, a perfect harmonic symbol of supernatural beauty, promise and enlightenment. After facing a personal storm, I’m inspired to share a story with you, a ‘rainbow of promise and enlightenment,’ after facing conflict, which is never easy, at least for me.

By facing the conflict and riding the storm till the ‘rainbow’ appeared, I received two invaluable gifts, one of affirmation: all actions or reactions are either love or a call for love, believe this, and know this! The other was a true realization of the magic within love, inspiring us to face our fears, to face our conflicts; they are not what we think they are; yet they are always opportunities to know ourselves, and to become the Love.


A few days ago I was informed that a client of mine had been rushed to the emergency room. I called to check on her, and found her in stable condition. She had a visitor, but asked if I could come for a visit later that evening.

Around 6 I called to ask if ‘now’ was a good time for a visit, and asked if I could bring her dinner. She was thrilled; however, she let me know that she was waiting for approval to receive her ‘Chemo’ therapy, and that she could not eat until an hour after she had taken her ‘therapy.’

I arrived around 7pm. Her therapy still had not been approved. She informed me that shortly after she had arrived at 11am, she had made the staff aware of the medications she was taking; not only to advise the staff, but also in hopes that she would receive her meds in a timely manner, importantly, her chemo. Again at 5:30, after being assigned a room, she informed the ‘new’ staff of her medications and circumstance. She had not eaten all day.

Shortly before I had arrived, there was a staff change. The new ‘Tech’ had walked in to check on Her. Just as I entered the room, She was telling her medication story again. The Tech leaves the room and returns with in a few minutes to let Her know that it was not ‘time’ for her heart medication, not addressing Her most pressing question, the one about her chemo. She became anxious, and felt unheard and misunderstood.

Witnessing this, I decided to step out of the room and speak with someone at the ‘front desk.’ When I approached the desk, I heard a female voice behind the partition, speaking in an elevated, agitated tone, with unsettling, unkind remarks. As I tuned-in, this Nurse was speaking about my client, speaking about Her ‘case’ to the new Tech. She was clearly upset, and her voice and choice of words had paralyzed me. The Receptionist at the desk tried to gain my attention, but I would not redirect my focus. The last words I heard were, “She’s crazy as sh**!” ‘Oh my, even if she is crazy as sh**,’ this is a place of healing, and her ‘message, speech & tone’ were not healing.

Russell Brand is quoted as saying; “How we treat the vulnerable is how we define ourselves as a species.” It is also how we define our self.

I knew I was going to do something. I just did not know what I was going to do. I asked for a piece of paper and a pen, and I began penning a few notes, taking down the Nurse’s name, the names of the attendants at the desks, and as much information as I had witnessed and could retain. The same beautiful lady, Receptionist, who had tried to get my attention earlier, directed me to the Head Nurse whom was approaching the desk, I asked if I could speak with him privately. He lead me to a private room and I disclosed what I had witnessed, and gave him as much information about my Client as I was aware. He let me know that he had heard remarks like these before about the Nurse, and informed me that He would be caring for my Client for the rest of the evening. He also would give me the floor Supervisor’s name and contact information if I’d like, and he would personally deliver the letter, and take it ‘higher’ if I was compelled to make that request.

I went back to the room, still unsettled at a Soul level; however, I did not let Her know what I had experienced nor witnessed. Shortly thereafter the Head Nurse had entered and was very thorough about obtaining information from Her. Within about 30 minutes the meds were approved. Curious. This was well after 8pm, and it be after 9 before she could eat. She was advised that she could skip the chemo, eat and rest, and she would be on a sound schedule tomorrow.

As She began to eat, I great Inpulse arose within my Heart to speak directly with the Nurse before considering writing a letter to her Superiors. Great compassion arose within me for the Nurse, all nurses really. Nurses have one of the most difficult jobs on earth. And, I know I am not without fault. I have been under certain stresses that were the catalyst for me to lose by balance, my kindness, my charity and my way. Who really could throw a stone? If I were in her shoes, what would I do? What was the resolve I seek? If Love is what I seek, and Love is the true Healer of all things, and Love is at the core of my being, what should I do? Love of course. Inspired to speak with her, still not knowing what I was going to say, however, I trusted Love would guide me.

I wandered to the front desk again and ask to speak to the Nurse. I was advised that she was finishing a report and would be with me in a few minutes. I returned to the room to wait for her. In no time, she was at the door and requested to speak with me. I had not gotten fully out of the door before she began apologizing profusely. As I looked onto her, she was flush and nervous, young and sincerely sorry. She began to speak of her day, and I asked if we could speak privately.

In a private room, she began again, ‘not to make an excuse,’ but to disclose her day. With compassion I listened. I understood that most days for a nurse are difficult, much is asked and much is expected. For one person to care for only one person is difficult, but to care for several is beyond comprehension. Although nurses are generally the most selfless, and giving persons on earth, true healers whom have chosen a very important work path, they do grueling work, often devalued, over-worked and underpaid.

After a moment, I interjected, and asked if I could talk about my client & Friend. I shared with the Nurse that She had been battling cancer for seven years, and that She’d battled this mostly alone, and she was just rushed to the emergency room that morning. (At 5o something), She had no immediate family, no parents or siblings, spouse or children, no family to speak of and only a few friends. Mostly, she was alone in the world. And even if she were ‘crazy as sh**, we, The Nurse and I, probably did not have any stresses in our life that compared to that. Acknowledging, we were in a place of healing, and her statements and actions were not that.

I told her of the Native proverb about the two wolves that live within us, the wolf of Fear and the wolf of Love, and under stress the one we feed the most is the one that will come out. It’s easy to love when it’s easy, but who are we under stress?

She was truly sorry.  Though going to her supervisor with the complaint, I could have avoided the conflict of facing The Nuse, but I was strongly inspired to speak with her personally. And though I had spoken with the Head Nurse, I did not intend to go any further, I would not be addressing her supervisors, nor did I intend to tell my Friend.

As I rose to leave, she fell into my arms tearful, crying and joyful. She told me she intended to feed the wolf of Love. I became overjoyed, and tearful as well. The storm had passed and the most beautiful Rainbow filled my heart. We walked back to the room in a supernatural splendor; the rainbow of colors & light filled the hallway, and our hearts.

The next day, my Friend shared with me that her and the Nurse were best friends, and that the Nurse liked me very much. I smiled. She has no idea why the Nurse liked me so very much. Really what the Nurse liked about me was the Love that inspired the whole resolve! I am humbled to my knees, and grateful for the Impulse in my Heart. It never ceases to amaze me the power of Love if we’ll but listen to It’s harmonious Voice.

Regina 1/20/15





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Peace, Birth and Manifestation

Peace, Birth and Manifestation

Posted by on Jan 12, 2015 in Meditation | 36 comments

Beloved Sisters and Brothers of The Light,

Welcome to the Collective Prayerful Meditation.

I am enthused to ask you to join with me for ten minutes every Day you are inspired in Conscious Prayer/Meditation for Peace, Birth and Manifestation of a New World and New Human. Our Divine Nature seeks Self-realization and Self-expression, and powerfully understands the force of Collective Consciousness. Ten minutes represents new beginnings, and collectively it is a catalyst for change.

This is a critical time in history,  and together we can aid in creating the change necessary to rebiuld what we’ve broken, and be the impetus for the birth of the Natural World and Divine Human. In such a short period of ‘evolutionary’ time, we have gained the power to destroy our own life support system on this planet, and each other. With the Masculine principle out of balance, man has dominated man, dominated woman and dominated nature; this is not sustainable. We can choose to use our power differently. We can choose to evolve/return to our True Self, a true Universal Species.

The Prayerful Meditation is three-fold: 1) Peace in the World, which begins within each of us, 2) Birth of the Divine Feminine, then integrating with the Divine Masculine principle, 3) Manifestation of the Divine gifts and talents within each of us, and collectively.

  • We begin with an ‘attunement’ (sample attached below) for about 30 seconds to align us with the higher patterns and the Impulse of Creation, moving from the mental mind to the Higher Mind, meeting one another essence to essence, maintaining resonance throughout, and listening to the Will of the Collective One.
  • Then for approximately 3 minutes we move into Peace for the world which begins by first receiving for ourselves, then extends to our family, our community, our city, state, nation, every nation, world, universe, which includes every animal, plant, mineral, all that is.
  • Next for approximately 3 minutes we move into visualizing fully birthing the divine Feminine aspect within us, birthing the loving, caring aspect that has been devalued for so long; then integrating with the divine Masculine principle; ultimately birthing the Divine New Human.
  • And then for approximately 3 minutes, we listen to the Divine Impulse with the Resonate Field, first for ourselves, then collectively, for that which is beckoning to be made manifest, our gifts and talents in service to others for the greater good of all. This ultimately aids in the co-creation of the New World.
  •  Lastly, we end with a closing prayer or intention of gratitude. (Journal if inspired)

Please join with me. Let’s join hands and hearts, sit together in Spirit Monday evenings for 10 minutes and make a change. Feel free to extend this invitation to your family and friends! And please comment, share your interest, blog your experiences, insights and relevant information on this site.

On Bended Knee, thank you for your precious time. God Bless You, OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead


 *Sample Attunement

Gently close your eyes, if appropriate. Take a few deep breaths to fully relax and attune with the Resonate Field. If you are feeling stress in any area of your body, direct your breath there. Come to the Stillness; feel yourself opening and emptying out, opening to the Higher vibrations of Love, Creativity, and Insight, emptying your thoughts as best as you can and all that doesn’t serve you in this sacred time together. Now take a deep breath into your Heart, and another into your Mind, feel The Love and Light animate your body; now extend that Loving Illumination out. Feel the Oneness with All That Is, feel the anchoring of your Highest Potential. Now bring your awareness back to this moment, maintaining resonance with each other through out the prayerful meditation for Peace, Birth and Manifestation. And so it is.

**I intend to create a sample meditation video for those interested, and will post as soon as possible.

May you move into the rest of your day with joy and ease.


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Connection of Heart and Mind

Connection of Heart and Mind

Posted by on Dec 31, 2014 in Seeds of Wisdom | 0 comments

“And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understanding all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains and have not love, I am nothing.” The Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:2

The Mind is quick to cause harm whenever It is disconnected from the Heart. Like the body without the sense of touch, the Mind without the ‘sense’ of Love will injure Itself. Within the Heart is Love, within Love are Truth, Compassion, Peace, Understanding and Forgiveness. Whenever the Mind is separate from the Heart, It will act without Love, and without Love, nothing matters.

The Mind is the Wisdom of God, and The Heart is the Love of God. Together they make whole; united they are One. ~Regina 07/18/09

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Our Path

Our Path

Posted by on Dec 31, 2014 in Seeds of Wisdom | 0 comments

“It is better to do your own dharma imperfectly than another’s perfectly.” ~Bhagavad Gita 3.35

We each must walk our own path, through our own ‘obstacles,’ to realize the Truth, Love and Enlightenment. Often we loose our path to join another’s, to help another; we compromise to avoid conflict, to get along, to be accepted, to fit in, to be loved. This is not our Truth; this is not true Love; this is not Enlightenment. We cannot walk another’s path, nor move through their obstaccles really. Cultivate the courage to stand in your Truth, stay true to your Path and walk through your illusions, so that you may know your Self, so that you may know True Love, so that you may know The Source within you, The Source of all things, the Knower by many Names.

God Bless You, Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

~Regina 3/18/12


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